No matter how advanced the automobile industry is today. You can ruin a car engine. You don’t need to be a vehicle specialist or mechanic to ruin a car engine through the gas tank.
As a car owner, you should know what can ruin your car engine and how to prevent someone from putting something in your gas tank. That’s why you need to read the whole article on this.
In fact, anyone can destroy their car engine by putting anything in the gas tank. And after you read this in-depth post, you will be able to ruin a car engine undetected. So, let’s know some kind of liquid can ruin your car engine.
What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine

Anything other than gasoline in the gas tank can ruin car engine. Putting Sugar, water, salt, and sticky liquid in a gas tank will clog up the fuel filter. And there are many ingredients and liquids which are capable of ruining your car’s engine fast.
There are numerous ways you can ruin a car engine. But, today, I will tell you what to put in gas tank to ruin engine. So, let’s see one of the best ways to ruin a car engine.
Here are Some ingredients to put in gas tank to ruin a car engine:
- Coke
- Water
- Put Too Much Oil
- Bleach
- Salt
- Sugar
- Urine
- Brake Fluid
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Wrong Fuel
1. Coke In Gas Tank

Putting Coca-Cola into the gas tank is one way to ruin a car engine completely. But it depends on the amount of soft drink in the car gas tank. Not only Coca-Cola, but any soft drink pouring a significant amount into the gas tank can also ruin your car engine completely.
What happens when you put Coca-Cola in a gas tank
The answer is: What happens next is very predictable; Coca-Cola clogs up an engine, which will ruin your engine. When Coke’s chemical composition is mixed with the gasoline in a car, it might turn the whole mess into a caustic sludge that would clog up an engine. That’s why Coke or any soft drinks might damage your car engine.
What to do if Coke in your gas tank
If you drive your car with Coke in a gas tank, you first need to go to a repair shop or a professional car mechanic. They will check your vehicle and tell you how much damage is to your car engine. And, this might cost you a lot.
Fortunately, You could tell if someone put Coke in your car’s gas tank by the fumes of your car. The car emits a high amount of fumes as it should. Check out the exhaust gas or fuel gas; if it looks neutral to you, then you should check your car gas tank.
2. Water in Gas Tank

Water in the gas tank will damage the car engine. This is unusual, huh? It seems very normal, but something like water can ruin a car engine and put you in great danger on the highway. Water in the gas tank disables a car from running fast.
Mixing water into the fuel will detach the engine from the engine mount. Imagine you are unaware and keep driving. A few moments later, the car runs smoothly and then gets stuck again; this happens repeatedly. After that, the car stopped in the middle of the highway. Undoubtedly Nobody wants to be part of this experiment, I believe.
We know that most of the time, we wash our car with water. Although, you can clean the engine without water. So, whenever we wash a car engine, we need to be careful, especially if we have a child like me.
How Much Water in a Gas Tank Will Ruin a car?
A full cup of water or more can damage a car’s engine. Even a small amount of water might be a significant and serious problem for your car engine. That’s why you should be aware of putting water in a gas tank.
How to tell water in the gas tank
As you know already, water in gas tanks brings a great deal of damage to your car engine. Now let’s know symptoms of water in the gas tank:
- Misfires
Misfires can let you know you have to carry water in the gas tank. The water goes into the combustion chamber of the cylinder, and that’s why your car will misfire. - Rough Acceleration
Rough acceleration is the most common sign when you have water in the gas tank. You often notice rough acceleration. - Check Engine Light
By checking the engine light, you can tell you have water in the gas tank. - Rough Idle
Rough idle. This is an easy way to tell water in the gas tank. The car engine is susceptible to idle for minor mistakes, and it is at idle you will notice quickly.
What to Do If You Have Water in The Gas Tank
It is important to know first if you have water in the gas tank. Otherwise, water in the gas tank can ruin the car engine.
- Displacement
If you have water in the gas tank, displacement is the best way to remove the water because it will remove the old gas and replace it with high octane fuel as fast as possible. - Replacing the Gas
Replacing all of the gas from the gas tank is the easiest solution. But replacing the gas might not be the cheapest method because it is a waste of fuel. - Get help from a Professional
A professional is the best way to know the problem and get the proper solution whatever happens in a car. Water in gas tanks is not a simple issue. So, getting a professional mechanic is always a great way to water the gas tank.
3. Put Too Much Engine Oil

Whether the low level of oil or too much level of oil in a car engine, both situations are not applicable for your car engine. Too much oil in a car can ruin a car quietly but permanently.
When you put excessive oil in a car engine, this will allow hydro lock a car’s piston. The car’s piston needs both air and oil to operate the engine; a combination of air and oil is necessary to keep moving.
If you put too much oil in a car engine, the position can’t compress the oil, and eventually, excessive oil will make the position bend or break. By putting too much oil in a car, you can ruin a car without getting caught.
That’s why we always see car manufacturers mention several times to avoid putting extra oil in a car in the car user manual.
4. Bleach in Gas Tank

If you drive a car with bleach in the gas tank, your car is in great danger. If Bleach stays inside the engine part and fuel system for a long time, the Bleach will corrode and destroy the metal and rubber part. Bleach’s effect is corrosion will be faster than normal.
Destroying an engine with Bleach is common knowledge about damaging a car engine. With Bleach, you can ruin a car engine undetected.
Don’t put Bleach in the gas tank; this is extremely dangerous and worst thing to put in a gas tank for any vehicle. It is a complete disaster.
Bleach is mainly made out of water, and with a small amount of chlorine, these two ingredients make Bleach caustic and corrosive.
Furthermore, Bleach will rust several parts of the engine and corrode the whole engine. As we know, you can fix flooded car engines, but it is hard to fix a damaged car engine. Most of the time, the engine needs to be replaced.
5. Salt in Gas Tank

Too much salt in the gas tank will slowly corrode the bottom of the gas tank. When salt mixes with the gasoline, The salt crystals are going to slip into the fuel pump, and it is obstructing the filter, then the engine might not run. Another thing you might face is that the car might get hot and won’t start.
Salt would not damage a car engine that much compared to other ingredients, but this little ingredient can cause massive loss if this sustains in a gas tank. The engine will lose power, and salt corrodes the tank.
6. Sugar in Gas Tank

Sugar in gas tanks turns its fuel into surgery petroleum. Sugar does not dissolve in the gasoline so that the Sugar will clog up the fuel filter.
When Sugar gets passed through into the fuel tank, Sugar will sit at the bottom of the gas tank. And screws up your car engine and the car gas tank.
If you want to destroy the car engine completely without getting caught, this worst thing to put in a gas tank is very useful.
Not only Sugar, but there is also so much stuff related to Sugar like sweet sticky liquid, honey, molasses, waffle syrup, and more that is made out of Sugar.
If you have Sugar in the gas tank, you have to clean the filter, fuel pipe, and the other engine part of your car. This is necessary to remove their traces from the system.
What are the signs of Sugar in your gas tank?
Most vehicles have a sufficient fuel filter which prevents Sugar from making its way to the car engine. If you seem to have Sugar in your gas tank, then here are the common symptoms.
- Engine stalls
- The fuel pump will fail consistently
- Car won’t start
- Poor engine performance (that you will notice when you drive)
Sugar does not dissolve in gasoline; Sugar settles to the bottom of the gas tank instead. And eventually, clog up the engine.
7. Urine In Gas Tank

Urine in a gas tank depends on how much urine is in the gas tank. A small amount of urine in a gas tank is not going to damage anything. The small amount of urine is like pouring a glass of water. But huge amounts of urine are obviously bad for gas tanks.
This is funny. Right, Basically anything other than gasoline can destroy your car engine. Urine is also a worst thing to put in a gas tank that can harm the car engine not so rapidly but slowly. So if you notice or it happens to your car gas tank, you have to clean the gas tank’s filter and fuel pipe.
8. Brake Fluid in Gas Tank

Can Brake Fluid damage the car engine? Yes, absolutely, there are no chances to avoid this stuff. Brake fluid ruins a car engine and can put you at a great risk if the brake fluid level is full to your car gas tank.
As we know, Brake fluid is a type of hydraulic fluid used in hydraulic brakes and hydraulic clutches in vehicles. So, keep checking brake fluid level, then you can avoid the car engine and yourself from the great danger.
9. Hydrogen Peroxide In Gas Tank

Hydrogen Peroxide in a car gas tank will boost your car’s power and make the car so fast. When This ingredient is mixed with gas, it is like NOS.
Mixing of gas and hydrogen peroxide increases the burn rate and puts the engine at a high temperature. When Your car engine gets a boost of power, then burns up and destroys the engine.
10. Wrong Fuel in Tank

Wrong fuel in the gas tank, this happened with many people. Don’t start the engine if you notice during or after filling up the gas tank with the wrong fuel. If you start the car engine with the wrong fuel, you and your car could be at risk.
You would not be able to remove all of the fuel from the tank. For this reason, I always recommend getting help from the nearest car mechanic.
What to do if you put the wrong fuel in your car?
Putting the wrong fuel in your car can be a costly mistake; also, it can put you in great danger. So be careful about that and follow the steps below:
- Do not start your car engine
- Put the car in neutral
- Push your vehicle to a safe place
- Tell the petrol station guy what’s happened
- Call the insurer as soon as possible
Following these only a few steps can save your life and your money. When you fill up fuel in your car, you should be certain and aware.
How To Tell If Someone Put Something In Your Gas Tank
Having something in your car gas tank is not good news. Especially when you are driving your car, that’s why you should know how to tell if someone put something in your gas tank.
Here are some common signs that tell you someone put something in your gas tank:
- Sputtering Engine
One of the easiest ways to tell something in your gas tank is that your car engine will be sputtering. If you notice your engine is sputtering, first, you should check your car gas tank properly.
- Check the oil level
You should not ignore checking the oil level in a car because too much oil and a low level of oil can permanently ruin your car. Using a dipstick, you can tell the oil level of your car. Check the oil level will help you to tell if someone put something in your gas tank.
- The car will fail to start
No matter how many times you try to start the engine, your car engine will not start if you have something in your gas tank. So, if you try to start the engine many times but won’t, it’s time to check the gas tank.
- White Smoke From Exhaust
If you notice your car producing white smoke from the exhaust, that means something in your gas tank. White smoke from the exhaust is a bad sign for your car engine. Make sure you take steps for this.
- Stalling on Idle
Stalling on Idle usually means that your car engine isn’t receiving enough air, power, and fuel. So, when someone puts something in your car’s gas tank, the fuel won’t get into the engine, and eventually, the car will stall on idle.
These are the most common ways to tell if someone put something in your gas tank. Remember, If you get symptoms that tell you something in your gas tank, it can ruin your car engine. That’s why you should take action about this as fast as you can.
What To Do If Someone Put Something In Your Gas Tank

Putting something in a gas tank is a fancy way to ruin a car engine. There are a lot of ingredients you can put in the gas tank to destroy the car engine. Someone put something in your gas tank to ruin your car engine; that’s why you should know what to do if someone puts something in your gas tank.
Here are some tips what you do if someone put something in your gas tank:
- Don’t Drive Your Car
- Write All of the Details
- Use Good and Protected Gas Tank Doors
- Call Your Car Insurance Agent
1. Don’t Drive Your Car
If you are certain that something is in your gas tank, you should not drive your car because anything in your gas tank can gum up your car’s fuel filters. And eventually, this will lead your car to permanent damage.
It would be very useful if you notice something in your gas tank before starting your car engine. Because it can avoid putting you in any dangerous situation and it will save your car.
2. Write All of the Details
Someone putting something in your gas tank is not funny. That’s why you should be more aware of your car.
When you notice something in your gas tank, do not hesitate to write where it happened, what the symptoms are, and the time and date because these details will help you convince your car insurance agent.
Your notes also help the repair mechanic to know the exact information.
3. Use Good And Protected Gas Tank Doors
As a car mechanic, I work in many cars; I always notice that the car owner didn’t really care about the gas tank door. Even some car owners don’t use the gas tank door and use the gas tank door. But, you should always lock the gas tank and check the gas tank door every time when you fill-up the fuel in your car.
If your gas tank door doesn’t work or is broken, you should buy gas tank doors as fast as possible. You will get some very protected and durable gas tank doors for your car.
4. Call Your Car Insurance Agent
If you are certain someone put something in your gas tank to ruin your car engine, it’s time to call your car insurance agent.
Your car insurance agent will provide a car gas tank specialist to check out your car. The insurance agent will check out the damage and give you an estimate.
Your car insurance company may cover the cost of a new replacement for your gas tank. When you get your car in an auto repair shop, make sure you let them know your authorization from your car’s issuance company.
Anything rather than fuel in your gas tank can damage your car and ruin your car engine. That’s why if you know something in your gas tank, then don’t waste your time and take steps about this.
How To Destroy A Car Quietly
There are various ways to destroy a car quietly. The best way to destroy a car quietly is by damaging the car’s cooling system and removing oil from the car. When you want to ruin a car quietly, you have to do it undetectably.
- Damage the cooling system
A car cooling system is directly connected to the car engine, and the cooling system is the essential component of a car. That’s why if anything happens to the car cooling system, it creates a load on the engine. If you want to destroy a car quietly, you can make a hole in the cooling system. Or if you damage the car cooling system, it will destroy a car quietly.
- Remove oil from the car
Keeping the correct oil level in the car is mandatory. Excessive oil in a car or low level of oil in a car both state of oil levels in a car can ruin a car. If you remove oil from the car, the car’s piston won’t be able to move because the piston can’t get the oil, and when the piston can’t work, it will destroy the car engine. The piston gets bent or broken for lack of oil in a car.
You can ruin your car quietly with other elements like Bleach and wrong fuel in the car gas tank. These activities always help you to destroy a car quietly.
How To Ruin An Engine Without Evidence
By putting Bleach in the gas tank, you can ruin an engine without evidence. If you put Bleach in the gas tank, it will eventually rust the engine several components because Bleach contains a high amount of chlorine.
Not only Bleach, but any liquid except fuel can also destroy a car quietly. If you can put something in the gas tank, the car owner will never be noticed, and you can ruin a car engine without getting caught.
Putting excessive oil in a car also can be done without getting caught because you can put too much oil in a car just by opening the car hood. You don’t need other components or tools to put excessive oil in the car. Earlier in this post, you knew how too much oil could ruin a car engine.
If you put excessive oil in the car, the car will be destroyed. Putting Bleach in the gas tank and putting too much oil in the car both ways can ruin a car without evidence.
What Kind Of Liquid Will Ruin A Car Engine
There are many ingredients, and liquid can ruin your car engine. Even we use some liquid in the car without proper knowledge, which may be harmful to our car engine. That’s why you should know what kind of liquid will ruin your car engine.
- Ethanol Gasoline
Ethanol gasoline will ruin your car’s engine over time. Ethanol damages your car because it absorbs water and dissolves polymers. And ethanol contains 10% to 15% of the petroleum.
- Water
Ingredients or liquids like water seem so normal to you but not for your car. Whether water in your car or in your car gas tank, it has the ability to ruin your car engine.
Most car owners won’t give the proper attention to the car. But, it should not be for every car owner. Car owners should know what kind of liquid they use in their car and why they use it. Before using any liquid, you should know them first properly and should know the pros and cons.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What can you not put in a car gas tank?
Basically, anything other than gasoline. Your car gas tank is the gasoline store if you put anything other than fuel that can damage your car, such as Sugar, Coke or soft drink, water, oil, salt, Brake fluid, and so on. If you have any of these ingredients in your gas tank, this will damage the car engine, and the car won’t start.
Car engine replacement cost?
Car engine replacement cost is quite high. The average engine replacement cost between $3500 to $5000. If you are driving a luxury or sports car, then this car engine replacement cost will be high, around 50% than a typical car engine. And car engine labor costs will be around $60 to $80 an hour.
What happens if I put detergent or Soap in a gas tank?
Detergent or Soap can attach to oil or water that is nearby. When detergent or Soap is mixed up with oil, oil slowly gets thick, it doesn’t lubricate well, and it cannot transfer well to heat in the car engine system. When fuel cannot transfer an efficient amount of heat to the car engine, the car Engine would not work properly.
What is the best way to destroy a car engine?
The best way to destroy a car engine is by draining oil from your car and pouring some sodium silicate solution into the engine through the oil fill. Make sure to keep quite a distance from the car.
Final Thoughts
Now you know what to put in gas tank to ruin engine. Not only these liquate or ingredients can destroy your car engine, but there are various things; if you put them in the gas tank, the car engine will be finished. So, you must be careful about all of these ingredients I talked about earlier.
Whether you ruin your car or ruin someone’s car engine, destroy the car engine is not fun because it can cost someone huge money to run the engine again. Bleach is one of the best liquate to ruin a car engine through a gas tank.
Always try to be safe while you are driving. The best way to be safe from anything like this happening is to get a locking cap on the gas tank and prevent the gas tank from great disaster and thieves stealing the gas from your car.
Understanding the way to ruin a car engine is quite easy, but you have to know what things you are pouring into the gas tank. Avoid any mistakes, and you will be able to ruin a car engine without getting caught.

Hey there,
How is it going?
I’m Meraj Sarker. I am a Car Mechanic and a student of Automobile Restoration here in Florida, USA. I’ve been studying automotive for around 9 years now. So you can rely on my recommendation. For me, studying and getting knowledge about automobile it’s really fun and entertaining. I will help you to get solutions for your car through this website. If you need any help let me know.
I wasn’t interested in knowing what will destroy a car engine. I wanted to research if sugar will hurt my engine!! I have so many HATERS!!!
Hey Lisa,
How is it going?
Ha Ha! Me too. I also have so many Haters. But, You should look after your car for your own safety and for your family.
Have a good day.
No sugar will not Persia kill a car. It will blow it up. Gasoline will not absorb sugar like water does. Sugar just settles to the bottle of tank. Where it may or will clog the filter the fuel pump and if some gets pickup it will trigger the check engine light and maybe fowl the oxygen sensor. If very very small particles get pickup you may smell cotton candy at the tailpipe.
By getting any these into your gas tank will anyone know that some put one of these things in your car
Hello Stacy,
How is it going?
That depends, If he/ she knows better about the vehicle or had experienced it before. But, if someone ignores these noticeable signals, he will not be able to know that.
what if you put a body spray canister in the engine bay and bleach in the fuel tank, what will happen?
Hello Ben Dover
How are you?
Body spray made out of common ingredients include: butane, isobutane, propane, alcohol, parfum. That’s why it’s not dangerous as Bleach in a gas tank. and you want to full up gas tank with body spray that’s not really easy. But on the other hand, If you poured bleach into the gas tank it’s really a worse situation. Because bleach will ruin your car engine in short. Bleach can fill up your gas tank with rust within a day and yes it’s super fast to effect on your car. If you find bleach in your gas tank, you should not wait, just replace the rusted components.
I hope you got me right Den.
Thank you for asking question and feel free to ask me more.
Hey Dover,
Haha, I haven’t tried, but I also don’t want you to try it. Because only bleach in the gas tank can ruin the car engine that you don’t want.
Thank you Dover
Hi Meraj. My name is Danny and I would like to know how long would bleach in the tank take to make the car break down? Once its at Mechanical….will he know that bleach was poured into the tank? Can you smell it at all?
Thanks so
Hello Danielle Harris
How you doing to day?
If you poured bleach into the gas tank it’s really a worse situation. Because bleach will ruin your car engine in short.
Bleach can fill up your gas tank with rust within a day and yes it’s super fast to effect on your car. If you find bleach in your gas tank, you should not wait, just replace the rusted components.
Thank you Harris for asked me question and visiting my website.
Can you please call me..8032152158..I need to talk to you about my truck..thank you God bless you
Hello Christina,
How is it going?
Thank you for your trust on us. Actually we don’t direct call to solving problem, we address any vehicle issues and shared the solution by but, you can email us at: with mentioning your problem, we will try our best to help you.
Thank you Christina for your comment.
God bless you too.
People keep stealing the gas cans out of my work truck. any suggestions on what to fill one with for the next person that wants to steal it?
Hello Eli,
How you doing?
According to your circumstances, you can consider getting a smart car alarm that will notify you through your smartphone if someone touches your vehicle.
Thank you Eli.
Someone threatened to put something in my gas tank. I am now having trouble with my truck. It has rough idle and some sputtering. The check engine light came on. This is a 2019 Toyota Tacoma. I took it in for oil change and they ran a diagnostic and was told that six post injectors were stuck open. Can something in my gas tank cause this situation?
How can I tell if someone has been tampering with my gas tank and/or put something in my oil? My truck is an 04 Silverado. All of a sudden the oil cap was missing along with the neck part of it, and I filled up my gas tank with gas after I noticed the missing oil cap and neck. Next thing I knew my truck backfired and started misfiring on more than one cylinder. It will It also has a huge decrease in acceleration. The engine sounds like crap. I put a dollar bill up to the exhaust pipe and it sucked up into the tailpipe never to be seen again. I checked the coils and plugs and they are both firing. I tried to connect a code reader to my truck, but it will not read because it only has two wires and its not getting current to the code reader. I’m dealing with a big mess here and I need a lot of help. Please respond.