You can charge your car battery without a charger. There are some ways you need to know before charging a car battery without a car battery charger. You can even charge a car battery with home electricity.
You don’t need to be a professional to charge a car battery without a charger. After you read this post properly, you can do it by yourself. However, you have to follow the step-by-step process carefully.
In order to show you the process of charging a car battery at home, I have tested all of the ways to charge a car battery without a charger. And I will show you the proper way in the below. So, let’s dive right in.
How To Charge A Car Battery Without A Charger
Whenever you drive your car, the car battery should have enough charge to get home or to the office. Having a dead car battery in the middle of a road is really annoying. I’m pretty sure you don’t want that, nor do I. That’s why you should check your car’s battery charge level frequently.
A dead car battery wouldn’t be able to start the engine because of a leak of electricity. Driving with a dead car battery can be dangerous and harmful for your car and your life. The battery could be dead for many reasons: car battery age, bad way of using a car battery, and car battery leaking.
You may forget to charge your car battery at night, or suddenly, your car battery is going to die on the road. These can happen to you; that’s why you should know the process of charging a car battery without a charger. Using basic knowledge and jumper cable will help you to get back to the road immediately.

There are two simple methods to charge a car battery without a charger:
Method 1: Jump-Starting Your Battery
Method 2: Charge A Car Battery With A Laptop Charger
Method 1: Jump-Starting Your Battery
If your car battery dies in a bad situation and you have to get back to the road, then jump-start your car battery is a quick and easy solution. To jump-start, your car battery doesn’t require any kind of heavy tools or professionalism. Jump-starting your car battery doesn’t harm the car battery, so you don’t need to worry much.
Using jumper wires, you can charge your car battery from another battery. Typically, you can buy a jumper cable or wire from any automobile store. A car jumper cable for car battery prices is around $15 to $20. I always recommend buying a short jumper cable, not a huge lengthy one. A long cable will take more time than a shorter one.
Let’s follow the steps to jump a car battery with another car:
Step 1: Park both vehicles and locate the car battery
As you know, jump-starting a vehicle is using another vehicle’s electrical system to your car to charge and start itself.
- Park both vehicles close enough so that your jumper cables can connect both batteries. For parking, both vehicles next to each other will not require a longer jumper cable.
- After parking both vehicles, you have to put both cars on parking brakes to ensure cars can’t move during the charging process. Another thing you should do is set your car gear in neutral mode.
- Locate both vehicles’ batteries. Usually, you will find car batteries under the hood of your car. When you have got to locate the batteries, you should identify your battery’s positive terminal and negative terminal. Car battery’s positive terminal typically has a red color cover and a (+) sign, and on the other hand, a negative terminal typically has a black color cover and (-) sign.
- Look at the battery terminal if it’s so dirty, then clean the battery terminal so quickly. To clean the car battery terminal, you can use a brush or a cloth.
Step 2: Connect the two batteries using a Jumper cable

The connection between two batteries is the main part of Jumpstart your dead car battery. So, you better be careful.
- Make sure both cars are shut off completely.
- First, connect the jumper cable to the positive terminal of your dead car battery. After that, connect the same jumper cable to the positive terminal of the good car battery.
- Second, Connect the jumper cable to the negative terminal (-). After that, you have to go to the dead car battery and attach the other end of the jumper cable to any metal part on the engine block because this process will ensure your jumping car battery is safe.
- Clean battery terminals are always better for charging. Like I said earlier, a clean terminal makes the connection stronger so keep your battery terminal clean.
Step 3: Allow the battery to charge and start the functioning car
In this step, you need to let the battery be charged and start the dead car battery.
- After you securely connect both batteries, now you need to start the functioning car. When you begin a functioning car, it will start to produce a charge to the dead battery.
- During the charging period, do not try to neutral the vehicle or park the vehicle; this can disconnect the jumper cable connection.
- After a minute or two, now you need to attempt to start the dead car. If your dead car doesn’t start, then give the car more time to consume a charge from another battery. And then try again to start.
- If your dead car battery died recently, it would take a little bit of time. On the other hand, if your car battery died a long time ago, it takes a longer time.
Step 4: Finished it up and disconnected the cable connection
If you followed my whole process of jump-starting the dead car battery, it should start the vehicle.
- When the vehicle starts, the next thing you need to do is disconnect the jumper cable from each vehicle.
- Do not shut off your car right after disconnecting the jumper cable. Let the vehicle run. This will allow the alternator to charge the battery. Also, a short drive will help to keep the charge in the battery. You should keep in mind that a bad or overcharge alternator won’t work efficiently and it’s won’t be able to charge the battery properly.
- If your vehicle dies again after jump-starting your car battery, you should carefully check the car battery connection.
By jump-starting the battery, you can charge a car battery without a charger. Jumpstart is mostly used for emergencies. After you get back home, you should charge your car battery using a car battery charger. This trick will help you in some unexpected situations.
Method 2: Charge A Car Battery With A Laptop Charger
If you want to think about charging an auto battery without a charger, you will have lots of ideas. Charging a car battery with a laptop charger is actually a DIY method to charge a car battery. Using a laptop charger, you can charge your car battery at home without a charger; you also don’t need a charger or jumper cable.
Typically, A laptop has a 19V charger, and a car battery is 12V. That’s why using a laptop charger; you can charge a 12V battery without a charger. Charging a car battery with a laptop charger is not really a suitable or recommended method, but it can be used in emergency situations.
Requirements for charging a car battery with a laptop charge:
- Your car battery (12V battery)
- Digital voltmeter
- Wires (Jumper wire would be safe)
- Laptop charger (17-25V is perfect)
- Digital multimeter
To charge your dead car battery with a laptop charger, you have to make a proper connection between the car battery and the laptop charger. That’s why you need to make connections properly.
Step 1: Make wire connection

First, you have to remove your car battery from your car. Put your car battery on a dry and clean surface.
To make the right connection you can follow the Diagram.
You need to plug your laptop charger into the home outlet. Connect the negative cable to the negative terminal in your car battery.
The positive cable should be connected to the digital multimeter first and then connect the positive cable to the positive terminal of your car battery (Positive cable or wire is going through the digital multimeter because it shows the reading on the multimeter).
Step 2: Let it charged and noting the current
After making the whole connection between the battery and laptop charger, you must let it be charged and note the current and voltage on the digital multimeter.
If you charge a car battery with a laptop charger, it will take around 4-6 hours to recharge your car battery. So, you have to wait about 4 hours.
Step 3: Finish it up and test the battery
After waiting around 4 hours, now you should measure your car battery charge and voltage. If your car battery recharges, then put the car battery back in your car.
This is one of the processes to charge a car battery with a laptop charger. You always remember that charging a car battery with a charger is the safest and great way to charge a car battery.
Can I charge my car battery without disconnecting it?
Yes, you can charge your car battery without disconnecting the battery. Charging a car battery without removing it is completely safe. Especially if you are driving a modern car, first, you should connect the battery positive wire. After that, you have to connect the negative wire connection away from the car battery. You should remember your work around a battery; that’s why I recommend you wear eye protection.
How long does it take to charge a dead car battery?
To charge a dead car battery will take around 4 -10 hours. Charging a dead car battery depends on some common factors like how long the battery has been dead, the power of a car battery charger, and the size of your car battery. That’s why you should check the battery charging level every 2 hours. To charge a dead car battery using a compatible battery charge always helps you to charge it quickly and efficiently. You don’t have to charge the car battery to start the car fully. If you are in an emergency situation, then around 30 minutes to 1 hour of your car battery charge is enough.
How long does it take to charge a car battery while driving?
As you know, charging a car battery through driving is the fastest way to charge a car battery. You might ask how much driving to charge a car battery; 1 hour driving a car will charge your car battery fully. But you have to go a minimum 1000 RPM speed to generate an extra charge for your car battery. How fast you drive less time the battery will take to be charged. If you want to charge your car battery while driving, you should drive on the highway because you have to go at least 55 miles per hour. The highway is wider and less traffic, so this can charge a car battery while driving.
Final Thoughts
There are some more ways to charge a car battery without a charger. If you follow my two simple ways to charge a car battery without a charger, you can charge your car battery safely.
Remember, ways of charging a car battery without a charger is not always recommended or effective. For emergency situations, you can follow these methods but not every time. Vehicle manufacturers always recommend car owner’s charge car batteries with a compatible car battery charger.
Another tip for you, that is to keep the changing gear in your car; wherever you go, battery charging gear in your car will help in emergency situations. And also, will keep you safe on the road.
Now It’s Your Turn
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I’m Meraj Sarker. I am a Car Mechanic and a student of Automobile Restoration here in Florida, USA. I’ve been studying automotive for around 9 years now. So you can rely on my recommendation. For me, studying and getting knowledge about automobile it’s really fun and entertaining. I will help you to get solutions for your car through this website. If you need any help let me know.